Permits and Applications /

Fencing Regulations

The Town of Hebron is publishing this information primarily for convenience.  Because there may come a time when regulations and website updates are not in sync, always defer to the current copy of the Hebron Zonging Code, section 92:135 - 92:136.  We encourage you to call Town Hall if you ever need a clarification.

When you have chosen your fence design and are ready to proceed, Download the Permit Application to move forward with your fencing project.

Fencing Regulations

  1. Definitions: As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
    FENCE – Any structure regardless of composition, except a living fence, which is erected or maintained for the purpose of enclosing a piece of land or to divide a piece of land into distinct portions. 
    FENCE HEIGHT – The distance measured from the existing grade to the top of the fence.
  2. Approval required. No fence, wall, or other type of construction shall be erected without the approval of the Commissioners or Hebron.
  3. Application for permit. Any person or persons, corporation, firm, or association intending to erect a fence or wall shall, before any work is commenced, make application for a permit. Applications shall be accompanied by a plan or sketch showing the proposed location of any fence, the material proposed to be used, which must be in accordance with this chapter, and be accompanied by an appropriate fee. Upon approval by the Commissioners of Hebron, a permit shall be issued which will be in effect for a period of one year from the date thereon.
  4. No sign, fence, wall, hedge, planting, or other obstruction to vision, extending to a height in excess of three feet above the established street grade, shall be erected, planted, or maintained within the area of a corner lot that is included between the lines of the intersecting streets and a straight line connecting them at points 20 feet distant from the intersection of the street lines.
  5. Height Limitations- A fence or wall not more than 3 ½ feet in height may project into or enclose any required front or side yard to a depth from the street line equal to the required depth of the front yard. Ornamental fences or walls may project into or enclose other required yards, provided that such fences and walls do not exceed a height of six feet.\
  6. Location Restrictions – Any fence erected may be located at the property line except in the front yard. Any fence erected in a front yard shall be placed at least one foot back from the front line and/or front property line. The Board of Appeals, as appropriate, may permit fences in excess of the maximums herein established in the LI District if determined that a taller fence is necessary for safety, security, or screening purposes.
  7. Materials and Composition –
    1. Any fence, wall, or similar structure which may cause a nuisance, a fire hazard, a dangerous condition, or an obstruction affecting the public safety is prohibited. Further, no fence shall be erected in a front yard in a residential district or along a public right-of-way unless the fence is uniformly less than 50% solid.
    2. The following fences and fencing materials are specifically prohibited:
      1. Barbed Wire
      2. Pointed fences less than three feet in height
      3. Canvas fences
      4. Cloth fences
      5. Electrically charged fences
      6. Poultry fences
      7. Turkey wire
      8. Temporary fences such as snow fences
      9.  Expandable fences and collapsible fences, except during construction
    3. All chain link fences erected shall be erected with the closed loop at the top of the fence
    4. All entrances or gates shall open into the property unless otherwise approved by the Commissioners of Hebron.
    5. A permit may be issued for the construction of a security fence for commercial and industrial properties, upon application.
    6. All fences or walls must be erected so as not to encroach upon a public right-of-way or easements unless a waiver is granted by the Commissioners of Hebron with the stipulation that the fence be removed or relocated upon request by appropriate Town officials. All fences or walls must be erected within the property line, and none shall be erected so as to interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic or interfere with visibility on corner lots.
  8. The Commissioners of Hebron shall have the authority to direct, in writing, the removal or modification of any fence, wall, hedge, or other structure on private or public property wherever the same shall interfere with adequate visibility of operators of motor vehicles at street intersections or curbs. Any person who shall refuse or neglect to comply with the written direction of the Commissioners of Hebron shall be guilty of a violation of the Hebron Code and shall be subject to its penalties.
  9. Any change, other than provided in the provision of this chapter, as to height, area, size, location, or materials used, shall not be allowed unless approved by the Board of Appeals.